Search Page
- Lite Search Help

Use the below comments to
help you conduct your search.

Chief Inspector Joseph Henry Helson

This is a JavaScript search engine and relies on your browser.
Long search strings will slow down you browser.
This database uses the English language.
This search will list pages from the J-Files web site, only. This is not for Internet or World Wide Web searches.
The results will provide a listing of active links and descriptions.
This is a Non-Specific Search script; listings for the first possible match will be given.
Simultaneous Searches are not possible, (eg, Kelly Nichols).
Specific Searches are not possible, (eg, "Police-Constable Neil").
This is not case-sensitive - upper and/or lower case letters are acceptable, (eg, edDoWes).
Apostrophes are acceptable, (eg, Miller's).

Spaces are acceptable, (eg, Mitre Square).
File extensions are not searchable, (eg, html, txt, exe).
Characters are not permitted, (eg, £, @, &), except for hyphen and apostrophe.
When searching for a person, use a last name, (eg, Cadoche, instead of Albert Cadoche).
The search word/phrase can be no more than 15 characters in length, including space(s), hyphen(s), and/or apostrophe(s).
Suspects are not searchable.
Books are not searchable except for NFW, ES & JTR, and the Resources Page.
If searching for a contemporary date, use "daymonth" (eg, 01oct = 1 October).
Abbreviations are acceptable, (eg, vic for victim), and are recommended for quicker search results. Note: exclude the period, ("."), if using an abbreviation.
Hyphenations are acceptable, (eg, A-Z).

Every search might not supply the expected result.

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