Explore JTR - Maps

The George Yard Area.

sketch of George Yard from New York Herald

[Area Map] [Description] [Detail Map]

This map deals with the area of George Yard, the location of Martha Tabram's death.
A possible victim, whose death is viewed as a "grey area" with respect to Jack the Ripper.


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George Yard, a narrow alley, running north-south between Wentworth Street and Whitechapel High Street. From Whitechapel High Street, entrance was gained through a covered archway, next to The White Hart (89 Whitechapel High Street).

The George Yard Buildings, located at the northeast corner of George Yard, to the back of Toynbee Hall, was a tenement that was converted from an old weaving factory.

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1. George Yard Buildings
(murder scene)
2. Wentworth Street
3. Angel Alley
4. The White Hart Pub
5. Whitechapel High Street

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For sources used, refer to the Time Line of the specific victim.

Many THANKS to the people who have contributed to this page:
Geographical assistance - Courtesy of The Viper.
George Yard image - Courtesy of New York Herald.
Pub addresses - Courtesy of Ripperologist, issues #22 and #23.
88 detail map extract - Courtesy of Goad's Fire Plan via The Viper.
88 area map extract - Courtesy of G. Bacon's New Large-Scale Ordnance Atlas.

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