Explore JTR - Inquests

Find out what the witnesses had to say.

Coroner Wynne Edwin Baxter

Because not all official records contain transcripts of witness statements or testimonies, an enormous aid to the researcher is having a record of the inquests, knowing who actually said what.

The inquest accounts offered here are fully taken from either The Daily Telegraph (DT) and/or The Times (T). These two particular newspapers are used because The Daily Telegraph had the largest cirulation in London until the early 1900's and The Times because it was the only newspaper permitted to be quoted within a trial.

These inquests cover Martha Tabram and the Canonical Five. There has been no attempt to correct that which is offered, except to supply optional (or corrected) spellings for some of the last names given. Some formatting has been done to make them easier to read.

The transcriptions are due to the courtesy of Alex Chisholm and The Viper.

Some accounts are lengthy and may take a while to fully come up - Thanks for your patience.

Many THANKS to the people who have contributed to this page:
Baxter image - Courtesy of Illustrated Police News via Alex Chisholm.

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